Your personal information is collected by Leduc County under the authority of section 33(c) of the Alberta Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act. It will be used for the purposes for which it is collected. Questions concerning the collection and use of this information can be directed to Leduc County’s FOIP coordinator at
The fall fenceline spraying program assists Leduc County property owners with the management of prohibited noxious and noxious weeds along fencelines and crop headlands adjacent to Leduc County road right-of-ways through the application of a selective herbicide. This program will be completed on a first-come-first-served basis, as weather permits.There is no charge for spraying fencelines/headlands adjacent to county roads.
I hereby grant permission for Leduc County to undertake spraying of a selective herbicide along fencelines and crop headlands of agricultural lands that I own or lease for the control of prohibited noxious and noxious weeds. Leduc County follows all directives of the Environmental Protection and Enhancement Act and the guidelines established by the Professional Vegetation Managers Association. The herbicides selected for spraying have been approved by the Health Canada Pest Management Regulatory Agency. I understand that the herbicide applied will have residual activity that may persist in the soil beyond the year of application and may restrict the growth of certain plants and crops, including alfalfa, potatoes, canola, lentils, beans and trees. Grasses and grains are not affected.I agree to save harmless and indemnify Leduc County, its employees and agents, from and against all actions, suits, claims and demands arising in any manner whatsoever from the treatment and control measures applied.
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